1. Added bind points and obelisks to Heiron, Arbolu's Haven, Jeiaparan.
2. Verteron quests that should hopefully be fixed now (either had missing spawns, or small glitches):
Decorative Weapons
Ancient Lobnite Fossil
Odella Recipe
Saving the Snappers
Shipwreck Revolutionaries
Potcrab, the Headache
Supplies for the Watch
A Father's Letter
A Mother's Worry
Numonerk's Demand Note
Slinking About
Undelivered Armor
Verteron Reinforcements

3. Added missing spawns for "To Fish in Peace" quest in Poeta.
4. Changed collection steps for "Delivering Odella Juice" quest.
5. Insomnia Medicine quest disabled until we have core support for it.

6. Fixed the following skills (along with others that I now forget... it's 5:00am):
Water Binding
Flame Cage
Victory Mantras

7. Added support for the class change to second profession. (You will receive a pop-up when you reach level 9. Quest support will come later)
8. Fixed many stat templates for the second classes.