1. Added retail like drops for Altgard.
2. Added retail like drops for Verteron.
Добавлен дроп по образу и подобию официального сервера в городах Altgard и Verteron

3. Opened up Sanctum/Pandaemonium coliseum. (Note there are no Damage formulas in yet, it is just for fun)

4. Debuff added for all levels of Weakening Severe Blow, Severe Weakening Blow (don't blame me because NCSoft couldn't be more unique with their names), Howl, Lockdown, Terrible Howl, Entangling Shot, Stunning Shot, Hallowed Strike, Root, Booming Strike, Incandescent Blow, Meteor Blow, Binding Word, Erosion, Ice Chain, Blaze.
5. Missing buff effect added for all levels of Rage, Divine google, Dauntless Spirit, Assault Posture, Wall of Steel, Aion's Strength, Focused Stance, Defense Preparation, Improved Stamina, Daevic Fury, Unwavering Devotion, Stamina Recovery, Strengthen Wings, Slaughter, Blessing of Health, Blessing of Rock, Light of Renewal, Promise of Wind, Penance, Light of Rejuvination, Sage's Wisdom, Thorny Skin, Celerity Mantra, Spell of Revival, Shield Mantra, Magic Mantra, Intensity Mantra.

6. Fixed skill types and powers for Healing Light, Healing Wind.
Скилы Healing Light и Healing Wind скорректированы.

7. Added correct HP values for many mobs.
Скорректированы ХП у многих мобов